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유학생활 지원 프로그램

외국인 학생 프로그램

  • 한국 문화체험 프로그램

    Program Experiencing Korean Culture
    Visting the major cities in Korea:Seoul, Jeju island Experiencing Korean culture: Trying traditional costume, Cooking Korean food.
  • 외국인 유학생 조기적응 프로그램

    Early adjusting program for foreign Students
    Early adjusting programs sponsored by the Ministry of Law for foreign students.
  • GU K-POP 대회

    GU K-POP Contest
    Attending Korean music contest and learning Korean language
  • 진로프로그램 "선배와의 만남"

    Programs for Future Career "Meeting older colleagues"
    Special lectures programs by the invited guests from graduates
  • 도전! 골든벨 대회

    Challenge! Golden Bell Contest
    Improving the Korean language with Korean quiz programs
  • 외국인 유학생 오리엔테이션 및 안전교육

    safety Education and Orientation
    Programs for foreign students to learn university life and orientation for safety
  • 외국인 유학생 튜터링

    Tutoring Foreign Students
    Learning Korean culture, life style and how to study through team work of Korean and foreign students
  • 한국어능력시험(TOPIK)특강

    Special Class for TOPIK
    Classes for TOPIK certificates
  • 대동제 먹거리 행사

    Daedong Food Festival
    The University Festival trying foreign food and learning foreign cultures
  • 한-베 문화축제 (광주 전남 베트남 교민회 주관)행사

    Korean-Vietnam Culture Festival(Sponsored by Gwangju Chonnam Vietnam Residents Association)
    Cultural Festival Sponsored by Gwangju Chonnam Vietnam Residents Association